
Seats of Understanding - Opening of the exhibition: Fri, June 28, 6 pm, trieste contemporanea

Seats of Understanding - Opening of the exhibition: Fri, June 28, 6 pm, trieste contemporanea

Award ceremony and final exhibition of Seats of Understanding
15th International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea

Opening: Fri, June 28, 6 pm
Exhibition: June 29-July 31, 2024
Studio Tommaseo, via del Monte 2/1, Trieste

The Seats of Understanding ideas contest is an initiative in line with the GO! 2025 – Nova Gorica and Gorizia European Capital of Culture 2025 project, in which the organising bodies of the two cities declared that they “share the same commitment: being the European Capital of Borderless Culture”. Participants were asked to design an urban furniture and potentially iconic object: a seating installation, such as a functional bench, to be placed in both Nova Gorica and Gorizia, representing symbolic meanings related to the historical location of both cities.

Award winners: Linda Baissero (Croatia), Paola Pisani (Italy), Drini Berati (Albania), Slavko Petek and Dora Mihinjač (Croatia)
Finalists: Cristiano Antonutti and Matteo Mizzaro (Italy), Davide Benvenuti (Italy), Azzurra Brugiotti (Italy), Denny Candotto (Italy), Cristian De Marchi (Italy), Doris Forsthuber-Miedaner (Austria), Mateusz Góra and Agata Gryszkiewicz (Poland), Jurij Ličen (Slovenia) and Taole Chen (Austria), Federico Morescalchi and Leonardo Pilati (Italy), Karol Murlak (Poland) and Paul Rajakovics/ transparadiso (Austria).

For more information see here.