
Out now: NORMAL - Direct Urbanism x 4 / catalog #2

Out now: NORMAL - Direct Urbanism x 4 / catalog #2

NORMAL 2 - direct urbanism x 4 shows the realisations of the 4 artistic-urban interventions by public works (GB)/ Studio Magic (A), transparadiso (A), orizzontale (I) and Georg Winter/ TanzPflanzPlan AG (D) for NORMAL - a project for the Graz Cultural Year 2020 and locates them in the international discourse, based on transparadiso's method of direct urbanism.
The catalogue was published as final publication of NORMAL on the occasion of the exhibition at Forum Stadtpark Graz, 2021

Texts: Thomas Kaestle, Sabine Maria Schmidt, Interview by Elke Krasny with transparadiso
Graphic design: Peter Oroszlany
Editing: Bettina Landl
112 p, German./ Engl.; full color.

Salon für Kunstbuch
Online Order: order@salon-fuer-kunstbuch.at
ISBN 978-3-902374-22-6