
Exhibition: NORMAL - Direct Urbanism x 4, Forum Stadtpark/Graz: Aug.31, 2021, 7 pm

Exhibition: NORMAL - Direct Urbanism x 4, Forum Stadtpark/Graz: Aug.31, 2021, 7 pm

Opening: Aug.31, 2021, 7 pm
Welcome: Claudia Gerhäusser
Introduction: Sabine Maria Schmidt (curator, Düsseldorf/ Chemnitz, D)

The exhibition represents the closing of the project NORMAL by transparadiso (Barbara Holub/Paul Rajakovics ) within the Graz Kulturjahr 2020 and transports the experiences of urban interventions in four districts at the outskirts of Graz back into the center of the city and into the art context.

To address current social challenges in urban planning, transparadiso developed the method of direct urbanism, in which direct action and planning are intertwined.
Together with the invited urban practitioners orizzontale (I), public works (GB) und Georg Winter (D), transparadiso worked in four city districts: Andritz (North), Waltendorf (East), Liebenau (South), Wetzelsdorf (West).

The exhibition presents objects, specially developed tools and methods of the four artistic-urban interventions that were realized in cooperation with local institutions and in participation with residents in Andritz, Waltendorf, Liebenau and Wetzelsdorf from spring 2020 to summer 2021 to foreground collective qualities and appropriation of public spaces beyond consumption.
The projects serve as a starting point in further discussion of the socially engaged urban development in Graz.

For more information on the show see here.