A project by Boris Sieverts/ Büro für Städtereisen, Oct. 07, 2023, 11:30 - 18:30
A project for "Water, Mask, Night" by transparadiso
Funded by Public Art Vienna
Boris Sieverts, Büro für Städtereisen, explores the water in Penzing
The River Vienna and the 2nd Viennese high-source water pipeline (bringing drinking water from the mountain Hochschwab/ Styria to Vienna since 1910) run through the entire length of Penzing. Both are perceived as built structures rather than bodies of water: the water pipeline (Hochquellenleitung) in the form of its architecturally spectacular reservoir and the River Vienna as a deep, brick-built shaft. The Büro für Städtereisen invites you to explore the waters of Penzing, which come to light in a dazzling way through the architecture that conceals them.
A cooperation with urbanize! 2023.
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