a_palaver is a radio series on radio orange 94.0 by David Pasek (since 2002, available as podcast) in which he talks with colleagues from the fields of architecture, landscape architecture and others about urban interventions, processes and events.
a_palaver uses the advantages of the medium of radio to deal with issues and concepts, ideas and stories, wishes and dreams in the field of architecture. On the other hand, the focus is on the informal but in-depth conversation, the relatively low organizational effort with a possible broad impact, the flexible but precise acting in order not to fall prey to the hectic pace of everyday media life. The program offers a temporary zone - a situation - in which guests expand their views from different angles. An alternative communication platform in a non-hierarchical conversation. a_palaver understands architecture not as the sum of all buildings, but as an attitude that evokes quality of life and makes it possible to track down ideas and implement them.
On Jan.2, 2024, David Pasek speaks with transparadiso:
"When you study architecture, you may have to invent your field of activity out of an inner urge: transparadiso is therefore, in the broadest sense, an architectural office between an urbanistic and an artistic pole. Both are of equal value and open up spaces of possibility and perspectives for exploring the city, expanding our understanding and subsequently designing it. The term "city" does not refer to buildings, but to spaces for action in urban life." (David Pasek)
The program is available as podcast.
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