
Human Scale Remeasured

Human Scale Remeasured

New spatial requirements, societal demands and economic values in architecture

Exhibition: Jan.16. – May 13, 2021
AEDES, Berlin

The exhibition, curated by ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, presents exemplary built projects and outstanding conceptual models by architects and planners from all over the world. These proposals are the results of a new way of thinking in which cities, built living spaces and working environments are not only designed and realised in an ecologically sustainable way, but also implemented with the objective of restoring a social and economic balance. HUMAN SCALE REMEASURED offers new visions for the built environment concerned with a better socio-economic coherence.
The exhibition demonstrates how 15 selected architecture and urban projects and 10 academic contributions from international universities can initiate a positive change by targeting challenges holistically and implementing approaches accordingly.